Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

Adult Classes and Trips
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Natural History of the Sonoran Desert
October 26 and 27, 2024
你想了解更多2022世界杯下注沙漠的动植物和景观吗? This two-day survey course covers desert ecology, desert adaptations, climate, mammals, birds, reptiles, venomous animals, botany, geology and ethnobotany. 2022世界杯下注还谈到目前对2022世界杯下注沙漠的威胁,如入侵物种, water and climate change issues, endangered species and recovery programs. 有了各种各样的教练和周日早上的植物学徒步旅行,2022世界杯下注将在一个周末内完成很多事情!

New Mexico:  Pueblo Feasts, Heritage Farming and the Atomic Bomb
November 6 – 13, 2024
For over four centuries, 圣达菲的旧世界魅力吸引了游客与它的西班牙和普韦布洛遗产.  In ancient times, 美洲原住民在桑格德·克里斯多山麓茂盛的山谷里打猎和捕鱼, growing crops in the fertile plain of the river below.  Later, Santa Fe was established as a Spanish provincial capital. On this week-long tour, ethnologist Jesús Garcia connects the social, cultural, historical, and indigenous aspects of New Mexico.  Highlights include Los Alamos, the epicenter of the top-secret Manhattan Project; the bountiful feast celebration day at Jemez Pueblo; the sacred village of Chimayó; and the picturesque Los Luceros Ranch, specializing in traditional crops. 参观标志性的画廊将是特别的,著名的土著历史学家的客座讲座. If this wasn’t enough, 2022世界杯下注探索了皈依者和神秘犹太人的丰富历史-西班牙的犹太公民因不皈依基督教而被迫离开他们的国家.  

Itinerary and Trip Details

Rainwater Harvesting
November 16, 2024


In the Australian Outback everyone does it. In the Sonoran Desert the rain in vain falls mainly down the drain. Did you realize that by harvesting water in a well-mulched basin, you can keep moisture in the soil for up to two months? That moisture can produce lush bird and lizard habitat, and keep your home cooler, reducing utility bills. 在这次旅行中,您将学习如何从问题区域重新引导雨水,以及如何计算可以从屋顶收集的水量. We will also cover greywater, storage, related ordinances and incentives, shading, windows, slopes and diversion pipes. 参与者将看到许多可以应用于他们自己的家庭和社区的策略.

Rancho de la Osa
December 6 - 8, 2024
它坐落在亚利桑那州南部边境的沙漠草原上,引人注目的背景是巴博基瓦里峰. On this tour, we visit the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, 那里有濒危的叉角羚和蒙面山齿鹑的繁殖计划,并提供许多物种的观鸟服务,包括苍鹭, Gray Hawks, Vermillion Fly Catchers, Loggerhead Shrikes and Golden Eagles. 2022世界杯下注将了解很多当地的历史,了解来自西班牙的Barb马. Kino’s herd, about the Mexican Revolution as it was played out here, and about old ghost towns and mining camps. We take a side trip to see the border town of Sasabe, sprinkle geology lessons in, 有一个上午的自由时间做一些可选的活动,比如骑电动自行车或骑马, and enjoy fabulous meals. 到了晚上,2022世界杯下注可以欣赏到牛仔诗歌和星光熠熠的冬日天空.

Black Lava White Sand
December 15 – 18, 2024
Explore El Pinacate y Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage site, 与文化保护学家Jesús García和地貌学家/人类学家弗雷德·尼尔斯合作. 皮纳茨群岛的火山地貌包括巨大的火山口, two varieties of lava flows, cinder cones, 雄伟的移动沙丘拥有自己独特的生态系统. This young volcanic field is adjacent to the Sea of Cortez, 由于极端低潮,在沙漠和海洋研究中心可以看到奇妙的潮间带海洋生物. 将沙漠和海滩结合在一起的是墨西哥最重要的天然盐储备之一, Campo La Salina.  位于圣克拉拉湾,这里是天然淡水泉和盐水的交汇处, this layer of salt is sacred to the Tohono O’odham. For a special cultural experience, we’ll visit the O'odham community of Quitovac, 沿着古老的盐朝圣之路通往大海的重要绿洲.

Itinerary and Trip Details

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Land of the Seri
February 19 – 23, 2025

今年二月,和亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐一起去探索塞里人的世界吧. Our guide, cultural conservationist Jesús García, 热情地与2022世界杯下注分享这片沙漠人民的文化,以及索诺兰沙漠中部海湾沿岸分区的自然和地质历史.   2022世界杯下注的发现之旅包括在Nuevo Bahía Kino的Seri博物馆, a visit to the Prescott College Research Station, a panga ride to the mangroves of Isla Tiburón, birding in the estuary of Laguna de la Cruz,  a walk in a cardón forest, and of course, meetings with the Seri people themselves. 2022世界杯下注的冒险还包括在基诺湾海滩上的时间,那里有强烈的蓝色海水, 每天都有新鲜的海鲜,还有机会购买他们的手工艺品来支持塞里人.

Itinerary and Trip Details

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Baja California
March 28 – April 10, 2025
Led by the incomparable Jesús García and geologist/raconteur, Fred Nials, we travel by motorcoach down the entire length of the Peninsula, traversing desert chaparral, 从葡萄果园和橄榄园的肥沃山谷,到迷人的Cataviña沙漠和布琼林, elephant trees and cardón.  在拉古纳圣Ignacío难得的近距离观鲸和离网“豪华露营”的机会等待着. Surrounded by a lush date palm oasis, 2022世界杯下注在圣Ignacío的停留包括一日游去看遥远的巴哈的象形文字. 2022世界杯下注在洛雷托湾的时间包括在科罗纳多岛与热带海洋生物一起浮潜. 当2022世界杯下注前往圣约瑟德尔卡波时,体验迷人的采矿社区和托多斯桑托斯的艺术家天堂, 以及巴哈最南端著名的洛斯阿科斯岩层. Our return is by air.

Itinerary and Trip Details

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Botanical Gardens and Art Museums of Southern California
May 11 - 18, 2025
Botanical art, Classical art and Gardens galore
Balboa Park, The Getty, need we say more…

这个非凡的8天之旅将带2022世界杯下注去圣地亚哥和洛杉矶,在那里2022世界杯下注参观标志性的植物园和世界著名的博物馆. Highlights in San Diego include Balboa Park, the Birch Aquarium at Scripps, and a memorable sunset dinner cruise on San Diego Bay. 在Oceanside停留,您可以参观被称为“教堂之王”的圣路易雷教堂,. Led by museum expert guides, we have dedicated a full day to in-depth tours of The Huntington, and a half day to the LA County Botanical Gardens and Arboretum. 诺顿西蒙收藏了从文艺复兴时期到20世纪的欧洲艺术以及跨越2000年的东南亚艺术,令人惊叹. 在盖蒂美术馆(The Getty)欣赏csamzanne、Monet和Van Gogh的杰作. For an architectural gander, we visit the Gamble House, 被公认为美国工艺美术运动的杰作.  在圣地亚哥的住宿是在汉弗莱斯半月酒店在庇护所岛和帕萨迪纳在设备齐全的Le msamridien. 特殊的餐饮体验贯穿始终,这次旅行一定会吸引感官!  Tour leader is ASDM cultural conservationist Jesús García.

Itinerary and Trip Details  

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